Tuesday 10 September 2013

Scallops and Butterflies

Hello friends and followers!  With Autumn fast approaching, I am wanting to make Fall and Christmas themed projects. I thought I'd better get some of my Summer cards shared so the pictures don't have to sit in the file for months on end.

Easy Peasy cards, but I love how bright and cheerful they are. They are an A6 size, which I'm really liking these days.

Each of the butterflies were punched and layered 3 deep, with Bakers Twine tied around them for bodies/antenna.

I'm actually seeing lots of butterflies when I am outside these days, but soon it will be falling leaves that I see.  Sigh. It's going to be hard to say goodby to Summer this year, it was so long coming and very VERY short.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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Have a great day,