Wednesday 12 October 2011

Square Pumpkin Card

I am SO glad I looked at my fall card stash, because I have lots (TONS, as we jokingly say in our family) of Fall/Thanksgiving/Halloween cards already made. I do not need to make any more this year, or probably for the next couple of years. Aack.

While I was looking through my cards, I came across this one, which I made for a challenge last year and posted it on my old blog. Since it made me smile - again - I thought I would re-post it for my new followers.

I used 'Stretch Your Imagination' for the entire card -- which is an older cartridge but absolutely one of my favourites. I used it a TON (smile) when I had my old blog ... and most of those cards have been sent along.

This one didn't get sent - as last fall was more than a little brutal around here and sending cards wasn't even on the radar. MAKING cards though, was completely necessary to keep me sane.

The card is 5-1/2" square, and I inked or chalked all the edges. The black panel on the inside left panel was added to give more definition to that happy pumpkin character on the card front.

I simply added the cut-away pumpkin border from the front of the card, to the inside ... easy peasy!

Once I decide who I am sending this to, I will add the words to the inside.

I love this card - but I'm so glad I refrained myself from making multiples. Which would have just added to the TONS of fall cards I made while keeping my sanity last fall.

Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. so funny! Like it

  2. So cute - I love your little pumpkin man!

  3. Really cute Karen, his grinning face made me smile and I love that pumpkin border too :)
    Jenny x


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